Solo Piping


 Solo Piping Competitions

There are four main competition events:

1. March (2/4 time signature)
2. Strathspey and Reel (4/4 and 2/2 time signatures respectively)
3. Hornpipe and Jig (2/4 and 6/8 time signatures respectively)
4. Piobaireachd

Piobaireachd (or Ceol Mor – Big Music) is the classical music of the Great Highland Bagpipe and is considered by pipers as the highest expression of the art form. Further information about Piobareachd can be found at the Comunn na Piobaireachd (The Piobaireachd Society of New Zealand) and at the Scottish equivalent, The Piobaireachd Society

Marches, Strathspeys, Reels, Hornpipes and Jigs are collectively known as 'light music'.

Many branches of the Piping and Dancing Association and other societies organise competitions, and offer Centre Championships at various grade levels, along with the nationally sanctioned South Island, North Island and New Zealand Championships at the top level ('A' Grade), along with Under 21 Years New Zealand Championships. An explanation of the various grades for competing pipers can be found here. [link to Piper Grading page]

The main solo piping competitions organised are:

➢ 1st January – Waipu Highland Games
➢ Wellington Anniversary weekend – Turakina Highland Games
➢ Easter – Hawke's Bay Highland Games, Hastings
➢ Queen's Birthday weekend – Otago Centre competition, Dunedin
➢ Labour Weekend – Silver Chanter competition, Christchurch

There are many more competitions organised at local levels, and also invitational competitions. A full list can be found here